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  Xinhong™ Sublimation Heat Transfer Paper

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How to Heat Press a T-Shirt


Heat pressing  is a way to add your own artwork to a clothing item or personal accessory. A printed design, image or text is applied to a shirt, tote bag or other fabric item using even, consistent heat and pressure from a heat press. Follow these steps to heat press a T-shirt.



Choose the image or design the artwork you want to press onto the T-shirt. Ideas include a personal digital photograph, an abstract artistic design or a slogan. (Use graphic design software to create or edit your T-shirt's artwork as necessary. Horizontally flip the image or artwork using the software to reverse it.)


Print the reversed image or artwork onto heat transfer paper. Xinhong™  is one company that sells this kind of paper. Heat transfer paper should have a clear or opaque film on one side of it.  Transfer paper with a clear film on (OT2) is used for white or light gray (ash gray) fabrics. Opaque transfer paper (OT3) is for fabrics in other colors, like Black. Load the heat transfer paper into your printer so the artwork or image prints onto the film side of the paper.


Cut out any parts of the transfer paper you do not want to press onto the T-shirt. Because your art's ink needs the paper's film to stay on the T-shirt, any unwanted paper you leave will have its film transferred onto the shirt.


Lay the mirrored artwork or image face down over your chosen T-shirt.


Place the artwork and T-shirt in between the plates of a heat press. Apply heat and medium to high pressure from the press to transfer the artwork or image onto the T-shirt.


Masterpiece Finished.

Things You'll Need

Computer,  Graphic design software,  Printer,  

Heat transfer paper,  Scissors,  

Printed image or design to be transferred, T-shirt,  Heat press

 Xinhong™ Light Color Transfer paper OT2

 Xinhong™ Dark Color Transfer paper OT3



Q: 你们的热转印纸在纯棉T恤上印,可以吗?

   Is it ok for cotton t-shirt with your heat transfer paper ?

A: 可以的.只要是耐高温的布料都可以使用我们的产品.

   Yes, it is ok for any fabrics which can resist high temperature.


Q: 我们的热转印纸需要温度和时间是多少?

  What is the temperature and when does it need about our heat transfer paper?  

A: 每一种产品都有他们的使用方式,不同产品需要不同的温度和时间. 浅色转印纸需要185度,时间15秒。


   Different products have their directions. So the temperatures and times are different. For light heat transfer paper, it needs 185oC, and 15seconds. For dark heat transfer paper, it needs 165oC, by 25seconds


Q: 是否直接用普通的墨水打印?连供墨水的打印机也可以吗?热升华墨水呢?

   Is it printed by normal inks? What about CISS inks and sublimation?

A: 是的. 并不需要特殊的打印机和墨水,只要用办公室的打印机就可以使用我们的产品.

   Yes, we do not need special printer and inks. You can use the inkjet printer and inks in your office,and then print our inkjet heat transfer paper. It is no problem to use CISS inks ,sublimation inks and any other inks.



  Is it fade when we use inkjet printer?

A: 不会的.我们的产品都有经过水洗测试.至少能通过机洗60次以上.

  No, it is difficult to fade. Our products have been proved that you can wash your t-shirt above 60times by washing machine.



  What is the pressure of press machine?

A: 中等压力或超大压力.

Moderate or high pressure.



   Why is it spilled inks when it was printed?


   We should set the printer on Mini amount of ink when printing. We set “quality option” on “Photo”,but not “draft” about your inkjet printer.


Q: 深色的纸为什么会泛白?

   Why does the whitening phenomenon occurs on dark inkjet transfer paper?

A: 有这么几种情况:a,温度过高,降低温度;b,时间过长,缩短时间;c,在防油纸的上面没有放一块棉布,请加一层棉布料

   These situations can occur to whitening phenomenon: a.the temperature is high, please down the temperature;

 b.the time is too long ,please use less time;c. you do not put a cotton on the grease proof paper,please do it.



  Why can not been peeled off?

A:热撕还是冷撕。一定要烫完后 应立即趁热把背纸撕下来,时间不能等冷了再撕,所以速度要快.

 Pay attention to the Warm peel or Cold Peel.  Should peel the back paper off with hot. You can not peel it off when the paper is cold ,so please quickly. 


Q: 将背纸撕下来后,为什么会起毛?

  When peel the back paper , why is it pilling?

A: 有2种方法可以解决.1.温度不够,适当调高温度 2.烫完后,要趁热把背纸撕下,不能等冷了再撕3.起毛的地方用防油纸覆盖,再压烫一次

You can do these ways to solve it: 1.the temperature is low, please adjust proper temperature on the heat press machine not peel the back paper off when it is cold, please take it off  with hot.3 put the grease proof paper on the pattern, and then use the press machine to transfer it again.



  Why does the back paper have bubble ?


  The temperature is too high, please take a grease proof paper .


Q: 如果第1次没有烫不牢,能不能用烫画机第2次烫印?

  If it is not stable at first, should we use the heat press machine again?


   Yes, it is ok. if you find the image out of the fabric, please put a grease proof paper on the image, and then set heat press machine on 160OC ,  by 10seconds to transfer it again.



   Should we use the house iron with steam to iron the fabric which is finished transferring image after be washed?


  You can use house iron after finishing transfer,but do not use the steam function. You need to put the proof grease paper or a piece of cotton cover the image ,and the iron the fabric.


Q: 为什么转印的时候老是一个地方烫印不好,而且会起皮,但是其它地方都很好?

Why does it good most parts of heat transfer paper, but some part is bad and it is pilling.


 The place which is the heat press machine on is not formation, causing the uneven distribution when we are transferring. We need a stable ,heat-resistant surface for more better effect.


Q: 我们的热转印纸是不是可以用熨斗烫?那烫的时候需要多少时间,压力要多大?

Is it ok for your products by house iron What is the time should we take? How pressure should we need ?

A: 是的,我们的转印纸可以用电熨斗。烫的时候,需要用大力气烫1分钟左右。推荐使用专业烫画机

Yes, our heat transfer paper is ok for house iron. It needs more pressure as you can for one minute.


And also if not print well:


please confirm it : it is fade after printing or after finishing transferred .



If it is spilled inks when it was printed:



it may be damp paper and that is humidity in the air


b:打印机墨量过大或打印速度过快,可调节打印机打印模式, ,选择”照片”模式打印,而不是”文件” 或是在属性中清洗打印机

  it uses too much inks when printing or it sets the printer on fastest model. Please

 We should set the printer about  “quality option” on “Photo”,but not “draft” ,or you can cleaning the printer first.



 There are some reasons why it is fuzzy in the price on the normal printing



it has finished transferred when there is much inks.



    the fabrics is wet. the surface of our heat transfer paper absorbs moisture from fabrics,and then the picture is not clear.



Air humidity larger when you transferred, ironing board or silica gel is wet.


it is no problem to transfer when the heat transfer paper is printing good in normal. Even more wonderful color than printing picture. There is not fuzzy image.

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